Saturday, October 11, 2014

1dp5dt FET

Here we go!

Transfer completed yesterday. What a mad rush. I overslept (never do that!), babysitter was late (she overslept!), then we got bumped to a noon transfer instead of the original 11:30 as told. But then had to wait another 45 minutes before the transfer began. Ouch to my full bladder!

Here they are! They thawed 2 (still have 3 left!) According to all in attendance, both blasts are grade 4A (perfect at this clinic), uterus looked perfect, transfer was perfect, perfect perfect perfect. I left there feeling optimistic.

Of course I have been obsessing how one blast looks kinda oval-ish (and neither looks like the previous blasts from 2010 that were transferred).

Anyway, bed rest with a one and three year old = not happening. Yesterday I tried to be as lazy and relaxed as possible, but I was on my own yesterday, and both boys were acting like, well, acting normal, which meant no rest for me. You know, because they can SENSE a weakness and will POUNCE all over that weakenss! ha! Once they went to bed, I went to bed.  Hubs is off today and has taken them outdoors until lunch. I am vegging out and plan to shower soon,

I am debating whether or not to POAS. I think I will end up doing so. Last time I got a faint BFP 3dp5dt and the lines kept getting darker. The earliest I plan to test is Tuesday, which will be 4dp5dt.

Beta is Friday,


My (In)fertile Confessions said...

Oh my gosh! This is awesome!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ive been so terrible about commenting lately (for months!!) but wanted you to know I'm pulling for you and can't wait to celebrate with you. Those look like great embryos!