Today I had my sonohysterogram and the results were that the polyp has returned. Yup. Polly the Polyp makes her appearance. This totally sucks, and next Thursday I get the thrill of going through another hysterscopy! Why does this have to be done at the hospital? Surgery? Anesthesia? Fuck!
Y'all, I'm really trying to be positive here. The doc doesn't want to transfer embryos into my uterus unless Polly goes away. Anyone ever get knocked up with suck a jacked up uterus before? I am looking for some anecdotal stories to get me through this.
Oh, and I get to practice abstinence until surgery. WAH!!!!!
First I wanna say, go suck one Polly! Sorry CJ! I have the polyps too and more recently PCOS. But, I wanted to let you know that I did have polyps when I was KU with my DD, and they could actually see it on the U/S and had to monitor the lining. But that was just me and I don't honestly know if I had them with my DS, but I wish you luck and send you tons of (((HUGS)))
Sorry to hear the polyp is back. I don't have any anecdotes but just wanted to stop by and give my support. Hopefully this doesn't cause too much delay with your IVF plans. hugs to you.
Oh my.. sorry for your womb woes. The thing about embryos is that they implant wherever they can find a nice surface of cushy tissue. It's not like they do a complete survey of your uterine walls. Consider this: they implant in fallopian tubes and even inside your abdomen sometimes. (Not so bright!) I'd consider your surgery to be an annoying delay, but wouldn't worry about possible impacts on your cycle. Good luck!
Sorry about Polly. I have had two surgeries in my almost 2 years of TTC, which of course put me on the bench for FAR too long. I know a delay blows but you want the best possible chance of a BFP when you invest physically and emotionally in IVF. At least you get to have some drugs :) why abstinance? Can you have "safe sex"? Good luck, you are going to be OK and it is going to be worth it!!
Oh for the love! (((Hugs))) Man! I'm sorry, CJ, I would LOVE for you to catch a break one of these times! I'm going to be hoping and praying Polly hits the road and doesn't screw this C up for you.
Ughhhhhh, how annoying! I had a lap last year and the endo cyst my doc got rid of is back, so I know how you feel. It's all so frustrating!
I'm so sorry about the return of your polyp. I had polyps removed in August. What made you check and see if the polyps had returned? I'm wondering if I should do the same even though 2 months has passed since the outpatient surgery because I still haven't gotten pregnant.
Really sorry to hear about the polyps. I hope the surgery goes well.
Crap - that sucks! Stupid Polly. I hope this surgery kicks that polyp's ass!
Sorry to hear about this. Thanks for your comment on my blog the other day. Obviously, I totally understand about these stupid delays. Thinking of you and hoping for a quick and easy resolution to this.
That sucks big time!! Abstinence, gross.
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