Saturday, November 12, 2011

It is getting better

Sometime this past week, we've turned a corner here. A is now 7, almost 8, weeks old, and he is better (or I am better--who knows). His stomach issue seems to be gone or at least manageable. He's smiling and happy and playing more now. No longer are we in crying fits that never seem to be under control! Yeah! Thanks to all of you who sent me love and support. I know I don't post much, but you all seriously helped.

I am curious to know if there are any successsful breastfed-baby-sleeping-through-the-night stories to share. Anyone? Many of my bloggy friends are having success, but I am curious if I am having a hard time with it because A is only drinking breastmilk. Any ideas on how or when I should expect the feeding fest to end in the late nights/wee hours of the morning?


Alex said...

So glad to hear things are going better! I can't wait to get to the smiling and happy phase! No advice on the sleeping at night thing, but I'll be interested to hear what people say. Hope it gets better soon!

Kari said...

good to hear from you and so happy you've turned that corner!!

My still breastfed 50% soon-to-be 16 month old DOES NOT sleep through the night. So no good news from me. He went through phases where he would for months at a time, and finally about 10 months he started only getting up once a night(occasionally we have "bad" nights where he gets up twice) but he still does it... I assumed when we started giving him 50/50 cows milk moms milk he'd stop such luck. I'm sure most people at this point probably just stop getting up to feed their kid at night but if I feed him he goes back to sleep for a few hours and I get to sleep in. :-) I don't think LD is the norm though so hopefully you'll get good reassuring news from other mamas.

Ashley said...

I'm so glad you guys are finding your groove! I only breastfed for 8 weeks, so I don't know really, but my kiddos did not sleep all through the night until they were over a year old. When people tell me that their kids sleep all night starting at 6 weeks or whatever, I think that they are either lying or not hearing their baby wake up because I just can't imagine it, ha!!

M said...

Lauren is now almost 3 months old and the past week has slept almost 8 hours straight at night. She is 100% breastfed! It will come!

M said...

Lauren is now almost 3 months old and the past week has slept almost 8 hours straight at night. She is 100% breastfed! It will come!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Glad to hear about the smiles. They make almost anything bearable. :)

Re: sleeping through the night... I'm not sure if I've just got a bad sleeper on my hands or what, but my little one is EBF and doesn't sleep through the night. She went through a period of about a month and a half around the 2-3 month mark where she would sleep 12 hours broken up into 6-3-3 (if that makes sense), but she's now 4.5 months and she wakes nightly every 3 hours. I've tried holding her off for a bit before nursing but she'll have none of it, and since I'm not really looking to night wean anytime soon I haven't pressed the matter. Ocassionally she'll surprise us and go perhaps 5 hours, but it's not the norm. But, I do think she's not the best sleeper (it takes her a while to fall asleep, and we're working on getting her to fall asleep in her crib) so hopefully she's not representative of what's normal!!

N said...

I have two daughters. I have breast fed both of them. One for 19 months and the other is just now 7 months. She eats some solids now too. My experience has been that sleeping through the night is complex and it is not just a full tummy that makes it happen. Both my girls would sleep through the night around 10 weeks but as soon as they were getting to the laughing,sitting etc milestones, they stopped. I believe it has more to do with developmental milestones then food. (not saying a full tummy isn't good). I'm currently in 2 time wake/night cycle. Ughhh. Goodluck

Chroll said...

my 100% breastfed baby sleeps through the night... kinda. if I feed her at 11, she will sleep until 7ish. if I feed her at 9, she will sleep until 5. I try to keep her awake as much as possible during the day. she's 10 weeks.

Morgan said...

My 100% breastfed baby started sleeping through the night (12 hours) at 6 weeks, and now at 12 months still sleeps 14 hours straight most nights. This may make people want to kill me, but I just hate when people think they have to switch to formula to get good sleep if they really don't want to (nothing wrong with using some if you want to).

Roccie said...

Heck if I remember but you are scaring the living shit out of me.



You owe us more pictures.