Monday, January 31, 2011

In hiding, will return soon

I am having a bit of a hard time with this whole pregnancy thing. I am planning to disappear from here for a bit (no posting, but I plan to read blogs on occasion). I am pretty much feeling like crap with morning sickness and nerves. Heartbeats are good and bad. I just need to step back for a minute and hold my breath until week 12 or 13 when I am feeling safe. It's too much for me right now. Thanks for understanding. I just gotta put down the computer, stay off google, and quit stressing.


SurlyMama said...

Completely understand. Do what you need to do. We'll be here when you come back. Will be thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way.

My (In)fertile Confessions said...

Totally understand! You and your little ones will be in my thoughts and prayers! xo

Allison said...

Wait, whaddya mean, "heartbeats are good and bad"? Oh hon, I'm gonna worry endlessly.

My comments require approval - so if you need someone to vent to, pop on over and I won't publish anything. Pregnancy is hard work, I won't lie. We're conditioned to feel guilty about feeling bad, but honestly.... it's hard.

Hang in there; my thoughts are with you.

elephantscanremember said...

(hugs) Do what you have to do. We are here for you no matter what.

Kari said...

Take good care of yourself and those babes!! Relax. Rest. Pamper yourself. Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts and vibes!!

Tanya said...

I'll be keeping you in my prayers.

erika said...

Take your time, girl!
Will be thinking of you.

Rosie said...

I really do understand! I have found myself wishing that I could just forget I am pregnant for a little while...feeling so sick and full of fear. But then the nausea wont let me have that minute. Bleh. I decided it's time to go back to therapy.
I wish you ALLLL the BEST!!!!! Come back soon!! You are my cycle/pregnancy buddy! Be well and take good care of yourself.


Jill said...

Best of luck to you and the babes, really. We'll be here when you are ready to come back.

tishi said...

Don't go for too long! I know you need some time to get to 12 or 13 weeks, but it makes me feel good that there are others freaking out as much as me after the BFP. I reached 13 weeks today, I Finally got here and you will to, I hope to hear from you when that happens!

jill's infertility document said...

I understand why you would need to take a step back for awhile. Take as long as you need, CJ, and know that we will be waiting for you when you return.

Alex said...

Hope this time goes by quickly for you. Sending you a hug... And we'll be here when you get back.

HopeBPatient said...

Take care of yourself! We'll be thinking of you even in your absence. Keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you and hoping that you are able to gain some peace with this pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you want comments or not. I hope the break helps and I think it's such a wise (and ifficult) thing to do! I hope all is well.

a field of dreams said...

Stopping by from LFCA.

Wow Triplets Congratulations. Dr. Google is evil - take all the time you need to rest up. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy.

Circus Princess said...

Just sending a big hug and wanted you to know I'm thinking about you and hope all is well.

quadmom said...

Hi CJ, I saw your news on LFCA. I just wanted to drop by and first of all say congratulations. Second, having quadruplets, I can totally understand the rollercoaster of emotions you are going through right now. I had a lot of fear and panic in the beginning. I would be happy to talk to you if you have any questions or just want some support from someone who has been there. You can email me at: oninfertileground at gmail dot com

Hang in there ...

Michele said...

Here from LFCA. I've just read through your previous posts. Congrats on your triplets! I know how scared this must have you; I wish that I could tell you it will be all rainbows, but my experience (twice with twins and once with a singleton) wasnt that. However, I know plenty of quad and triplet moms who, although their babies were preterm and spent some time in the NICU, are thriving now. So much of it is finding a medical team that respects you and treats you and those precious babies- as top priority. I know our journeys are different, however, if you ever want to chat, please dont hesitate to email me. My email is on my blog.
My Life After Loss

foxy said...

Hide all you want. all you need.

My closet has proven to be an awesome hiding spot, as has a dark little corner of the garage.

I remember so clearly the cardboard boxes that we used to turn into little homes as kids. and I fantasize about getting a few boxes and making a little home that I can hide out in until we emerge from the other side of this journey. If only.

Sending you love and peace.

Roccie said...

I wish it wasnt so scary. I cannot even imagine. You will be missed around here. Let those waves of good vibes wash over you and know it is from all of us out here. I really believe you can feel it sometimes.

Dont post a thing until you feel like it. You have a big load on your mind right now and a lot to digest.

Thinking about you too - just like everyone else.

Ali said...

Here from LFCA. Wishing you only the best and totally understand the need to take a break.

My (In)fertile Confessions said...

I know you are on a much needed blog break... take all the time you need! But, I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a blog award on my blog! Thinking good thoughts for you! XO

Allison said...

Still thinking and prayin' for you, hon! (((Hugs)))