Saturday, June 11, 2011

8 things not in the pregnancy book

1. Boobs sweat and slump: Boobs now rest on belly. This is a new thing for me since I have always had a considerable amount of room between the belly and the boobs. Now they rest comfortably on my stomach if they are not harnessed. And speaking of harnesses--boy oh boy can boobs sweat.

2. Crotch sweat: Need I say more? I am changing my undies 3 times per day because I am soaking them with sweat. Friggin nasty.

3. Crotch itch: Probably has something to do with #2, but it's not a yeast infection and only flares up in the evenings before bed. My crotch is red and sore and itchy and the only thing that helps is a shower and a clean crotch before bedtime.

4. Baby powder: necessary in pregnancy because of #1-3.

5. Sudden nausea: what's up with that? I was teaching the other morning and the room started spinning and I got super hot. I choked back airy chunks and warned my class that I might hurl. Feeling passed in 15 minutes.

6. Moles getting bigger? Skin cancer? Nope. Not really. I went to the dermatologist on Friday because several mole-like structures started looking different/growing/changing color. Doc said, "Welcome to old age, and welcome to pregnancy. Things will just start growing on your body now." Huh? Gross.

7. Breathing is not so fun anymore: Yeah yeah, I read this one in the pregnancy books, and was winded in the first trimester if I walked up a flight of stairs, etc. Now I can just be sitting there, doing nothing, and poof! I am breathing shallow breaths. Yes, baby is growing and all, but it's pretty freaky to feel like you are being suffocated a bit.

8. Leaky boob: I said boob cause only one is oozing. Does this mean I will be a one boob show for the baby?

Hope you are all well. I finally got my commenting power back, so forgive me for the commenting absence. Countdown on the bog says 88 days and I am starting to get nervous. Last night I unloaded on hubs, somthing about making sure we cherish the next 88 days because it is the last time it will just be me and him, and that I will miss that part of our life.


Jill said...

Less than 90 days! I hear you on #2. Wore a panty liner for months.

I had so many meltdowns in the last few months of pregnancy. Parenthood is so awesome, things will be different but you will look back and never wish it was just the two of you again! Can't wait to hear about your little one!!

Rosie said...

Yes, yes and yes, and several other weird symptoms (you mean you don't get nosebleeds- in only your left nostril- every time you blow your nose? Jealous?)
I have a weird twist on the nausea one, I will be hungry leading up to a meal, then as soon as have it in front of me I get a rush of nausea.
I love that you and I are only one day apart in due dates.. I have 88 days left as of today! I think I am a bit in denial about losing my one on one status with my beloved, the baby, tho he kicks and wiggles a lot, still feel kind of unreal.

My (In)fertile Confessions said...

Good to know! I've been really concerned about a couple of moles I have that started changing all of a sudden! I'm planning on going to the derm soon after these babies come!

Jenna said...

Stumbled across your blog: I had the one leaky boob thing to and was worried that that meant only milk in one boob. I was assured by my midwive that it is normal and milk comes in in both boobies. Congrats on the impending birthday of your child!

Alex said...

What an interesting, and a bit horrifying list! Thanks for sharing - all things to look forward to soon...

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the countdown! Now you are getting close to just 80 days! Wow.

A couple things:

1. Haha. Totally. I have always had a lot of room between the two, as well, and I remember watching an episode of Bethenny's Getting Married where she talks about this. I thought, "well, yeah, you have huge boobs, I doubt that'll happen to me." Man was I wrong.

2. Again - totally. It's gross. Glad to hear I'm not alone on this one.

6. Good to hear about this, too. Just yesterday I was wondering if I should go see a derm to ask about a couple of my moles that seem to be trying to keep pace with my belly.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the countdown! Now you are getting close to just 80 days! Wow.

A couple things:

1. Haha. Totally. I have always had a lot of room between the two, as well, and I remember watching an episode of Bethenny's Getting Married where she talks about this. I thought, "well, yeah, you have huge boobs, I doubt that'll happen to me." Man was I wrong.

2. Again - totally. It's gross. Glad to hear I'm not alone on this one.

6. Good to hear about this, too. Just yesterday I was wondering if I should go see a derm to ask about a couple of my moles that seem to be trying to keep pace with my belly.

Kim said...

Your list cracked me up!!! So much to look forward to! Enjoy the final days alone together, I think your right you'll miss it...but what a wonderful trade-off. :)

Roccie said...
