Saturday, July 3, 2010

CD 18, 5 dpiui, feeling quite positive

There is some fantastic news out in blogland this weekend. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for sticky beans for both Kitty and Allison. I have been following their blogs for over a year, and I am thrilled to hear that they are seeing two lines on their tests! They give me hope, and I am so incredibly happy for them.

5 dpiui and the progesterone supplements have not given me any quirky side effects like last time. Today I've felt a few cramping nudges in the uterus area, but then again I could just be imagining it.

Happy 4th!


Kari said...

Yippee!! I hope you're celebrating you're going to be celebrating a BFP right along with them very, very soon!!

Allison said...

Awww, you're sweet, CJ. Everything I have is crossed for you - even my eyes (I think they'll get stuck that way soon). ;)

Happy 4th!

addingtothepack said...

Hopefully you are next on the list with a BFP!