Thursday, September 1, 2011

Still cookin'

39w1d, and I'm still here. I just got back from the doc and not much has changed for me. I am now 1.5cm dialated, which is a small improvement. I am also definitely at -1 station. I feel different. I am doing the pregger waddle now. The baby is making the lady parts ache now, and walking is kinda achy, too. I know I am progressing, even though the numbers aren't showing this.

On an even happier note--doc says we'll talk about medical measures when I hit one week past the due date. Yipee! So I have until September 14 before induction or anything gets discussed. Ah...In the meantime, I'll keep up with the acupuncture appointments in hopes that TCM speeds things up a bit.


Alex said...

Still cookin - love it! I like that you have some time before induction gets discussed. Very exciting!!! Eat those spicy foods, and all the other stuff - you can do this on your own!

erika said...

You are getting there, Girl! Yay:) and I am very happy to hear your doc is willing to work with you!

Jill said...

You're getting there! Good luck! Once that baby or your body decides it's time it can go fast! Hopefully that will happen for you. Any day now. :)

jill said...

Ahh you have plenty of time to go into labor on your own. Sounds like you're doing everything right! I'll be thinking of you :)

S said...

I'm sure you are anxious to meet your baby, but how great that you've made it past 39 weeks! :-)