I'm back, and I completely forgot I signed up for ICLW this month. Looks like I've got a lot of catching up to do!! I promise that will be my goal tonight. Thanks to those who posted.
Not much happening here. I had to leave early for my trip (family emergency), so I couldn't get my progesterone blood drawn last Thursday. The doc put me on prometr.ium anyway just to be safe. Ever since my TCM, I've had no PMS signs, but yesterday and today my breasts hurt, and I was nauseous yesterday afternoon. Hmm...yes, being away from civilization has been good for the 2WW, but now that I am on the progesterone, will my period just come or will I have to stop taking it if I am not PG? I've got to call the doc tomorrow to find out the plan. Am I suppose to POAS? Help! I don't want to if it is too early. I don't want to at all, frankly, because I just don't think I can handle another BFN.
Oh ladies, much to stress about, but right now I want to play with my pups since I haven't seen him in 5 days. I'll post later.
The soreness and nausea might be from the progesterone supps, but I am keeping everything crossed for you!!
I think with the prog, your period wouldn't start unless you stop taking the supps. At least with most women; I do recall some people getting AF while taking the supps, though.
Welcome back!! Glad you found a way to keep your mind off the 2ww. A lot of people say that progesterone delays their period. I was never regular so I can't vouch one way or another. My clinic always said 14 days after was the soonest you should POAS, but they always did a beta and said not to trust the sticks anyway. Good luck!! :)
You stop taking the progesterone if you aren't pregnant, and I'm pretty sure you will still bleed if you are taking it.
Personally I would POAS, but thats me - I started POAS at 5dp5dt which was too early but I couldn't help myself! I was supposed to wait for my beta but I didnt...and I'm glad because I knew days earlier than I would have! It's up to you but 11dpiui you might get a false negative (as in its too early) but you might get a positive - with my last two pregnancies I got positives at 9 and 10dpo!
I'm crossing everything for you, too!! Your 2ww is killing ME! LOL :)
Keep taking the progesterone until they tell you to stop - which will only be after the negative beta - which you're not going to get, so you don't have to worry about that!!!
There are different theories about POAS before a beta - I always have POAS before, but admired those who can wait...
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