Monday, December 14, 2009

Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy Part III

Essentials (a collection of advice I read/received/experienced)

1. Right after surgery, have DH waiting to make calls to people who you think will be calling shortly--call them before they call you so you can go home and have peace.

2. Bring a pair of cotton socks to wear during the surgery, and make sure that the clothing you wear to the hospital is easy on easy off: I word a pull over cotton dress with a high waist and flip-flops. Dressing was really easy post-op.

2.1 I wore booty socks, but I thought back and wished I had brought a fun pair!!

3. Make sure you bring your own pads! Hospital ones suck!
3.11 Really, what is up with hospital pads? Someone should do an expose' on them.

4. Bring toothbrush and tooth paste--I can't tell you how much better I felt after being able to brush my teeth!

5. Bring your wedding ring with you to the hospital--DH will have to hold it, but after surgery, demand that he propose to you again with the ring, and mean it again! hahahaha

6. Make a mix of songs for DH on the IPOD. My DH was a spaz and a freak, so my yoga mix relaxed him a lot.

7. At home, make sure that the couch or wherever you land is already set up and waiting for you.

7.1 Pillows from the cedar chest have a nice smell to them
7.2 Put a sheet or comforter down on the couch, too

8. Before surgery, make sure the dog has been washed, the dishes are done, the clothes done and put away, the house is clean, etc. Trust me; a clean house makes for a relaxing recovery. I am stressing the importance of clean sheets on the bed, too. There's nothing like clean sheets to make you feel good.

8.1 A clean dog can be fun to cuddle on the couch with during movie time.

9. Post-op food: I chose to go with homemade broccoli and roasted red pepper soup. If you want the recipe, let me know. It was delicious and nutritious.

10. They say don't watch funny movies or shows, but hell, I learned how to soft laugh while watching 30, The Best of S.NL with Farl.ey and Ferrell. Also, remember that there is a good chance you'll fall asleep during the movies anyway, so maybe rent a couple that DH will enjoy, too.

10.1 I know this is about us, but my poor DH was a mess--he's a tough guy,
but he was freaking out alot. I swear he needed the sedative!

11. Get up and move around, even if you don't want to. Gentle yoga poses are helpful, too, such as forward bend, child's pose, seated bound angle (gentle!), and also hold your arms high above you for periods of time: this helped with the shoulder pain from the CO2 gas.

12. Drink lots of water and hot herbal teas.

13. If you did a bowel cleanse before, you are going to want to fill up with poop-happy foods: broccoli soup, coconut water (I recommend Zinco: mango or passion fruit), fresh squeezed vegetable juice (I recommend carrot-apple-celery, or for those who like it spicy, add some ginger), bananas (high in fiber!). My surgery was Thursday afternoon, and I pooped Saturday morning. Nice!

14. Since you are home bound for a few days, get you girlie supplies stocked: I chose to make it my 36 hour facial. For me, I prefer Ave.da products, so I had the candle lit, and used a scrub, face mask, eye treatment, etc, for days. My face skin has never been happier!! Ahhhh...

15. Worst part for me was peeing at home for about 6-8 hours after the catheter was removed. All I can say is drink lots of water and pee pee pee. Instead of screaming, I started singing a really high note and let it loose.

16. If you get you own copy of the DVD of you surgery, watch it right away, and on the big screen! Dude, this technology is awesome, and you can see your lady bits on the TV!!!

16.2 If DH is watching this with you, suggest he make himself popcorn (hahah)
16.7 Yeah, and ask DH is this video can considered po.rn? hahaha

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