Thanks to you all for your good wishes and congrats! I so appreciate having you in my life! HUGS!
Now, when will I stop taking pregnancy tests? I have about 25 left and I keep testing.
Anyway, my next appointment for all this is Wednesday. I will have an US and bloodwork. I will officially be 5 weeks preggo then. I asked the nurse if DH should come to the appointment, and she said fine but it wasn't like we'd see much. Hmmm...then what exactly will I see at 5 weeks? I've been googling it as it seems like I might see the sac(s) but not heartbeats.
I think DH is still a little bit in shock. I made the mistake of mentioning that these beta numbers might be twins or triplets (gulp--one blast splitting! yes! It can happen) and he's a bit freaked out. He's just scared to be alone with one, so thinking about more than one is a but daunting. I've had a few moments of flash-freakout when I think about multiples, but overall I am just so darn happy.
I haven't felt any "symptoms." After Wednesday's US, I had some itty bitty brown spots here and there. No cramps, no bleeding, a bit more peeing (but that's been the case since the retrieval), kinda sore boobies, and a tad bit bitchier. We went out to lunch Tuesday with an older couple (60s) who are our friends/old neighbors. They party like they are 21!. Anyway, the dude likes to talk and talk, and for some reason, I had the urge to reach across the table and strangle him. He was getting on my last nerve. I ususally can put up with it. He's just a talker, and I accept it. But not Tuesday.
I spent the last couple of hours doing some last minute accounting and mileage calculations for my medical expense spreadsheet. The total amount we spent for 2010 on weekly acupuncture, IUIs, IVF, and meds is over $22,000. Double gulp! IF sucks, yes it does.
Happy New Year!